Saturday, December 5, 2009

Rheumatic Diseases Associated With Decreased Glutathione Levels

As your Nashville source for MaxGXL I have written before about the product and how it is a natural solution to the problem faced by medical researchers for the last thirty years and that is how can we supplement the body’s dwindling supply of natural intracellular glutathione. Modern medical research has shown that individuals who have low levels of glutathione are susceptible to chronic illness. Take a minute and Google any illness or syndrome and you will find out that most, if not all, have as a marker, low levels of glutathione and increased levels of inflammation.

Decreased levels of glutathione can be brought about by continual stress upon the immune system. As we now know, a lowered immune system can bring about illness and disease. This is a ferocious cycle. While you need glutathione for a productive immune system, a weakened immune system hampers the production of glutathione.

In an earlier blog I wrote about Pulmonary diseases associated with seriously decreased glutathione levels. Today I would like to address another area of interest. Rheumatism or rheumatic disorder is a non-specific term for medical problems affecting the joints and connective tissue. The term "rheumatism" is still used in colloquial speech and historical contexts, but is no longer frequently used in medical or technical literature; there is no longer any recognized disorder simply called "rheumatism." The traditional term covers such a range of different problems that to ascribe symptoms to "rheumatism" is not to say very much. Nevertheless, sources dealing with rheumatism tend to focus on arthritis. However, "non-articular rheumatism", also known as "regional pain syndrome" or "soft tissue rheumatism" can cause significant discomfort and difficulty. 

Let’s address a couple of well known rheumatological diseases associated with seriously decreased glutathione levels.

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) - Lupus is an autoimmune disease, which means that the body's natural defense system (immune system) attacks its own tissues instead of attacking foreign substances like bacteria and viruses. This causes inflammation. Inflammation causes swelling, pain, and tissue damage throughout the body. If you develop severe lupus, you may have problems with your kidneys, heart, lungs, nervous system, or blood cells. Lupus is the common name for systemic lupus erythematosus, also called SLE.

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) - Arthritis is a general term that means inflammation in a joint. Joint inflammation is characterized by redness, warmth, swelling, and pain within the joint. Rheumatoid arthritis is a type of chronic arthritis that typically occurs in joints on both sides of the body (such as hands, wrists, or knees). This symmetry helps distinguish rheumatoid arthritis from other types of arthritis. In addition to affecting the joints, rheumatoid arthritis may occasionally affect the skin, eyes, lungs, heart, blood, or nerves.

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) - MS is an autoimmune disease, whereby the body's own immune system, which normally targets and destroys substances foreign to the body such as bacteria, mistakenly attacks normal tissues.

Scleroderma - Scleroderma is a chronic autoimmune disorder that can cause tightening and thickening of the skin, thickening of blood vessels, and damage to internal organs. The disease usually affects adults between the ages of 30 and 50 and affects more women than men. There are two types of scleroderma: Localized scleroderma and generalized scleroderma. Localized scleroderma affects mainly the skin, while generalized scleroderma is a systemic disease that may affect many parts of the body.

ME/CFS - Chronic fatigue syndrome, sometimes called CFS, is a condition that makes you feel so tired that you can't do all of your normal, daily activities. There are other symptoms too, but being very tired for at least 6 months is the main one. The disease is not well understood. Most experts now believe that it is a separate illness with its own set of symptoms. But some doctors do not believe this. Doctors don't know what causes CFS. Sometimes it begins after an illness like the flu, but there is no proof of any connection. It's likely that a number of factors or triggers come together to cause CFS.

If you have CFS:
* You may feel exhausted all or much of the time.
* You may have problems sleeping, or you may wake up feeling tired or not rested.
* It may be harder for you to think clearly, to concentrate, and to remember things.
* You may also have headaches, muscle and joint pain, a sore throat, and tender glands in your neck or armpits.
* Your symptoms may flare up after a mental or physical activity that used to be no problem for you. Depression is common with CFS, and it can make your other symptoms worse. Antidepressant medicines can help you feel better.

Fibromyalgia - Fibromyalgia is a non-life-threatening, chronic disorder of the muscles and surrounding soft tissue, including ligaments and tendons. Its main symptoms are muscle pain, fatigue, sleep disturbances, and tender points at certain parts of the body. Many people describe fibromyalgia as feeling like a persistent flu. Key Characteristics of Fibromyalgia include muscle pain, either throughout the body or only at certain points, is the primary symptom of fibromyalgia. It may range from mild discomfort to pain severe enough to limit work, social activities, and everyday tasks. Pain commonly occurs in the neck, upper back, shoulders, chest, rib cage, lower back, and thighs and may feel like a burning, gnawing, throbbing, stabbing, or aching sensation and may develop gradually. It usually seems worse when a person is trying to relax and is less noticeable during activity.

As you can see from these brief descriptions of these conditions, the medical community has barely pierced the veil covering the causes of these serious conditions and basically focus on treating the symptoms. One thing that each of these conditions have in common is that they the people suffering have seriously decreased levels of intracellular glutathione. It is not my position here that MaxGXL will cure any of these conditions but I can tell you, and the clinical trials prove, that MaxGXL functions both as an antioxidant and an antitoxin and is a major defense system against illness and aging. Our glutathione level actually indicates our state of health and can predict longevity. The importance of glutathione is widely recognized because it has the ability to boost the immune system and fight off the damage of free radicals on the cells.

People need MAX GXL because it helps the body create Glutathione and other antioxidants vital to cell function for the entire body, in a standardized form no other product can duplicate.
1. Glutathione has been clinically proven to affect your body in the following ways, (supported by over 85,000 research articles on , a service of The National Library of Medicine and The National Institute of Health):
a. Increases Energy
b. Increases deep REM Sleep
c. Decreases Inflammation – the cause of most pain and problems
d. Detoxifies the body of Heavy Metals & all known free radicals
e. Glutathione is the Master of all antioxidants
f. Stops every known free radical at a molecule ratio of 1 to 100,000+over 100,000 molecules neutralized by one GSH molecule other antioxidants ratios are less than 1 to 10
g. Improves Heart and Lung function
h. Detoxifies and improves Liver and Kidney function
i. Strengthens the Immune System
j. Slows down the Aging process
k. Permits increased Exercise and faster recovery from strenuous workouts

l. Improves Concentration and mental clarity
2. MaxGXL Increases Glutathione in your body by almost 300% in 60 days
3. GXL has been proven by clinical studies and real time blood tests to boost Glutathione (GSH) levels within 30 minutes, 100% of the time in 100% of the people who use it.
4. GXL has been awarded the prestigious “Content of Matter Patent” on its molecular structure the most difficult of all patents to attain.

If you or a loved one wants to experience remarkable energy levels, deep sound sleep, greater mental focus MaxGXL might be your answer. Likewise, if you suffer from aches and pains with or without exercise you owe it to yourself to take a look at this incredible product and you can do just that by going to, and check out Dr. Robert Keller in his own words describing Glutathione and how his product works. Spend another minute and look over the home-based business opportunity that Max International offers. It will be a time well spent. If you have any questions or if you want to order a trial sample call Pat or Sheila at 615-876-7421

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Glutathione, MaxGXL and Aging

As your Nashville source for MaxGXL I have written before about the product and how it is a natural solution to the problem faced by medical researchers for the last thirty years and that is how can we supplement the body’s dwindling supply of natural intracellular glutathione. Modern medical research has shown that individuals who have low levels of glutathione are susceptible to chronic illness. Take a minute and Google any illness or syndrome and you will find out that most, if not all, have as a marker, low levels of glutathione and increased inflammation. It is apparent from the research conducted by those studying the aging process that glutathione and aging are related.

Decreased levels of glutathione can be brought about by continual stress upon the immune system. As we now know, a lowered immune system can bring about illness and disease. This is a ferocious cycle. While you need glutathione for a productive immune system, a weakened immune system hampers the production of glutathione.

Glutathione depletion may also play a significant role in aging, at least in part through its role as a major protector of mitochondrial DNA (MtDNA). Maintenance of normal MtDNA directly correlates with maximum life span, which has been estimated at 122 years in humans.1 During ATP production in the mitochondria, superoxide free radicals are produced which are converted to hydroxyl and peroxide free radicals. GSH neutralizes hydroxyl free radicals and is an essential component of GSH peroxidase,

which neutralizes peroxide free radicals. These free radicals generated within the mitochondria have the potential to damage MtDNA. At age 90 only 5% of normal MtDNA remains when compared to the normal MtDNA level of a 5 year old. GSH levels decrease with age (1% per year) which may account for at least some of the cumulative MtDNA damage.

Promoting high levels of reduced mitochondrial glutathione may counter some of the effects of aging. It has been found that centenarians demonstrate GSH levels similar to 30-50 year old well normals, suggesting that their atypical GSH levels have been pivotal in preserving their health. In support of this notion, it has been found that caloric restriction, which prolongs life, increases both the aging–associated deacetylase Sirtuin1 and GSH levels. Glutathione plays a significant role in aging. Raising intracellular glutathione levels may reduce the metabolic signs of aging and protect mitochondrial function.

If you or a loved one wants to experience remarkable energy levels, deep sound sleep, greater mental focus MaxGXL might be your answer. Likewise, if you suffer from aches and pains with or without exercise you owe it to yourself to take a look at this incredible product and you can do just that by going to, and hear Dr. Keller in his own words describing Glutathione, MaxGXL and how his product works. Spend another minute and look over the home-based business opportunity that Max International offers. It will be a time well spent. If you have any questions or if you want to order a trial sample call Pat or Sheila at 615-876-7421

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Pulmonary Diseases Associated With Decreased Glutathione Levels

As your Nashville source for MaxGXL an effective and easy to take glutathione accelerator I wanted to bring some information to you about reduced glutathione and pulmonary diseases.

Emphysema (COPD) - COPD stands for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. It refers to two long-term lung diseases - chronic bronchitis and emphysema -- that often occur together. COPD makes it difficult for you to breathe. There is no cure for COPD, but you can take steps to manage the disease. Tubes, called airways, carry air in and out of your lungs. If you have COPD, these airways may become partly blocked from inflammation and thickening. This makes it more difficult to breathe.
At the end of the airways are many tiny balloon-like air sacs, which inflate and deflate when you breathe in and out. With COPD, these air sacs lose their elasticity. This can also make it more difficult for you to get air in and out of your lungs. Cigarette smoking is the most common cause of COPD. Being around secondhand smoke -- from others who smoke -- also plays a role in an individual developing COPD. Other causes of COPD include long-term exposure to other irritants, such as chemicals, dust and air pollution

Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) - "Fibrosis" is a term used to refer to scarring, so pulmonary fibrosis means scarring in the lungs. Pulmonary fibrosis can be caused by many conditions, including chronic inflammatory processes (sarcoidosis, Wegener's granulomatosis), infections, environmental agents (asbestos, silica, exposure to certain gases), exposure to ionizing radiation (such as radiation therapy to treat tumors of the chest), chronic conditions (lupus, rheumatoid arthritis), and certain medications, such as nitrofurantoin and methotrexate.

In a condition known as hypersensitivity pneumonitis, fibrosis of the lungs can develop following a heightened immune reaction to inhaled organic dusts or occupational chemicals. This condition most often results from inhaling dust contaminated with bacterial, fungal, or animal products. Examples include silo fillers disease and pigeon breeders lung disease.

Asthma - Asthma is a chronic disease of the airways that makes breathing difficult. With asthma, there is inflammation of the air passages that results in a temporary narrowing of the airways that carry oxygen to the lungs. This results in asthma symptoms, including coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, and chest tightness. Some people refer to asthma as “bronchial asthma.”
Even though there are seemingly miraculous treatments for asthma symptoms, asthma is still a serious, even dangerous, disease that affects more than 22 million Americans and causes nearly 2 million emergency room visits ever year. With proper asthma treatment, you can live well with this condition. Yet inadequate asthma treatment limits the ability to exercise and be active.

 Chronic Bronchitis - Bronchitis means that the tubes that carry air to the lungs (the bronchial tubes) are inflamed and irritated. When this happens, the tubes swell and produce mucus. This makes you cough.

There are two types of bronchitis:
* Acute bronchitis usually comes on quickly and gets better after 2 to 3 weeks. Most healthy people who get acute bronchitis get better without any problems.
* Chronic bronchitis keeps coming back and can last a long time, especially in people who smoke. Chronic bronchitis means you have a cough with mucus most days of the month for 3 months of the year for at least 2 years in a row.

Acute bronchitis is usually caused by a virus. Often a person gets acute bronchitis after having an upper respiratory tract infection such as a cold or the flu. Acute bronchitis also can be caused by breathing in things that irritate the bronchial tubes, such as smoke. It also can happen if a person inhales food or vomit into the lungs.

What do each of these diseases have in common that the pharmaceutical companies don’t want you to know about? Each of these diseases is characterized by seriously reduced Glutathione levels and high levels of intracellular inflammation. This is where MaxGXL comes into the picture. Clinical research has shown that individuals who have low levels of glutathione are susceptible to chronic illness. Decreased levels of glutathione can be brought about by continual stress upon the immune system. As we now know, a lowered immune system can bring about illness and disease. This is a ferocious cycle. While you need glutathione for a productive immune system, a weakened immune system hampers the production of glutathione.

Clinical tests show that MaxGXL users experience an average increase in intracellular glutathione levels of 292%. They also experienced an average increase in their body’s DHEA of 46% and IFG-1 of 40.8%. DHEA and IGF-1 are markers related to levels of human growth hormone, which is the indicator of true biological age. They normally decrease with age. And last but certainly not least, MaxGXL users experienced a 61% decrease in Tumor Necrosis Factor alpha, which is one of the three most significant markers of cellular inflammation.

So, if you want to increase your glutathione levels and reduce intracellular inflammation you owe it to yourself to check out this patented product. Go to and listen to Dr. Robert Keller describe the product and it’s potential for changing your life for the good. My wife and I have been using MaxGXL since March of 2009 and I am here to tell you that every promise they make about a change in your physical well being has come true for us. While you are at the site check out the wonderful home business opportunity offered by Max International. For more information and a trial package of MaxGXL call Patrick O’Rourke or Sheila Warren at 615-876-7421.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

MaxGXL And Athletic Performance & Recovery

As your Nashville source for MaxGXL, I have written before about the product and how it is a natural solution to the problem faced by medical researchers for the last thirty years; how can we supplement the body’s dwindling supply of natural intracellular glutathione. Modern research has shown that individuals who have low levels of glutathione are unable to perform athletically to their maximum ability. By increasing cellular glutathione you can dramatically raise your energy level, strengthen your immune system, slow down the aging process, fight inflammation, diseases of aging, improve athletic performance, recovery and detoxify your body.

Daria Davidson, M.D. has been has been a practicing physician for 25 years, first board-certified in Emergency Medicine and now also board-certified in Holistic Medicine. During her 20 years as an emergency medicine physician, she spent 11 years working in, and running, a Level 1 Trauma Center. By the time she retired from emergency medicine in 2003 she had personally treated over 70,000 patients.

In 1995 Dr. Davidson began looking into the scientific basis of nutritional supplementation and nutraceuticals. With 14 years of experience, she is now convinced that there are simple and very effective, natural ways to help address many health concerns. She lectures around the world on the subject of nutrition and simple, science-based strategies for maintaining or regaining health. Her straightforward, humorous and practical approach has made her an audience favorite.

Dr. Davidson has as an integrative medical practice in Bellevue, Washington utilizing her specialty of Holistic Medicine. The focus of this practice is on disease prevention, alternative or complimentary cancer management, natural alternatives to drugs, and safely combining prescription medications with nutritional supplements.

Click Here and listen to Dr. Davidson discuss the effect of MaxGXL on athletic performance and recovery.

If you or a loved one wants to experience remarkable energy levels, deep sound sleep, greater mental focus MaxGXL might be your answer. Likewise, if you suffer from aches and pains with or without exercise you owe it to yourself to take a look at this incredible product and you can do just that by going to, click here and check out Dr. Keller in his own words describing Glutathione and how his product works. Spend another minute and look over the home-based business opportunity that Max International offers. It will be a time well spent. If you have any questions or if you want to order a trial sample call Patrick O'Rourke or Sheila Warren at 615-876-7421

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

MaxGXL - A Great Product - A Great Business Opportunity

As your Nashville source for MaxGXL, an incredible nutritional supplement that accelerates your body's production of natural intracellular glutathione, I have blogged regularly about this wonderful product and how important it is for our well being. Today, I’d like to introduce you to the the company that I and thousands of other independent distributors work with. Max International is unlike any other network marketing company. Our goal is to be an "A Company," one that's known for its integrity and honesty as much as for the success it offers. Above all, Max is a values-driven company; the Max Code guides every decision and initiative our management team makes. With more than two years of foundational growth, Max has cultivated a solid customer base and is just beginning to capture the next wave of adopters, both in North America and in international markets. What if you could have Founders, Executives, Athletes and Doctors come into your home every month and talk for you? Talk about duplication! Imagine if you could have the founders of Max International in your home for a weekly business opportunity meeting. Imagine now if they were accompanied by the Max Executives, world class athletes taking MaxGXL, and doctors and medical researchers for MaxGXL. Well that is EXACTLY what is going to happen. A opportunity meeting with Max Co-founders, Executives, doctors, and top Associates - all in your own home, with new episodes each month. That's what MaxGXL TV is, and it will be broadcast on DIRECTV on Monday evenings on channel 318: Every episode, which will also be available online, will feature the following: Founders Briefing - A segment where founders of Max International will talk about the company, the products and the direction/vision of Max International. Athletes Corner - A segment featuring testimonials from World Class Athletes and coaches on MaxGXL. The Doctor is in - A segment with presentations from our Max medical doctors and research scientists. Associate Spotlight - A segment spotlighting various Associates and their efforts. Associate Recognition - A segment recognizes various Associates for their efforts and rank advancements. If you are tired of being trapped in a cubicle and are looking for an opportunity to go into business for yourself, you owe it to your family to check out Max International. It's easy and inexpensive to get started and the rewards are well worth the effort. If you want to take a look go to and go through the product section and then the company and then the remarkable business opportunity. If you need more information or you want to try the product contact Patrick O'Rourke or Sheila Warren at 615-876-7421.

Monday, November 9, 2009

MaxGxl Sport - No Banned Substances

As your Nashville source for MaxGXL, the number one glutathione accelerator on the market, I wanted to reach out to all of the athletes in Nashville and remind them about our NSF Certified for Sport™ product, MaxGXL® Sport delivers everything you love about original MaxGXL, and more. It’s a glutathione-enhancing product that everyone can enjoy and high-level athletes can trust without question.

MaxGXL Sport carries the prestigious NSF Certified for Sport™ certification to ensure the product is free from substances on the banned substances list. Ideal for everyone from professional athletes to the average person, it contains the same ingredients as regular MaxGXL, only packaged using veggie caps and sealed in a convenient bottle.

What does NSF Certified for Sport™ mean for MaxGXL?

NSF International is a not-for-profit, non-governmental organization that was founded in 1944 as the National Sanitation Foundation. NSF provides public health and safety related information to concerned consumers around the world as well as providing services to manufacturers in over 100 different countries. The NSF logo represents that a product has been tested to verify label claims as well as to ensure it is free of such contaminants as heavy metals, microbiologicals and aflatoxins. However, the standard NSF mark is not the same as the NSF Certified for Sport™ mark. The NSF's Certified for Sport program performs the same screening and verification as the standard certification program with the addition of in-depth screenings that ensure the product does not contain banned or prohibited substances, thus earning the much more stringent NSF Certified for Sport™ certification. The NSF Certified For Sport™ program performs independent screening tests for over 130 banned metabolites.

Hear what these professional athletes have to say about MaxGXL Sport:

Nancy Rose- Figure Skater

Roscoe Tanner- Top Ranked professional tennis player

Jerry Tagge- Former Green Bay Packer QB

Bill Gillespie- Former Seattle Seahawk Strength coach and power lifter

Daria Davidson M.D. Discusses ATP and it’s importance to our energy levels

David Bagley- Max International VP of Product Development speaking about the NSF

Click on Conference

If you or a loved one wants to experience remarkable energy levels, deep sound sleep, greater mental focus, MaxGXL might be your answer. Likewise, if you suffer from aches and pains with or without exercise you owe it to yourself to take a look at this incredible product and you can do just that by going to and check out Dr. Keller in his own words describing Glutathione and how his product works. Spend another minute and look over the home-based business opportunity that Max International offers. It will be a time well spent. If you have any questions or if you want to order a trial sample call Pat O'Rourke or Sheila Warren at 615-876-7421

Saturday, November 7, 2009

MaxGXL And G.I.Tract Health

As your Nashville source of MaxGXL, an incredible nutritional supplement that accelerates your body's production of natural intracellular glutathione, I'm pleased the introduce you to Daria Davidson, M.D. who is going to talk about the benefits of MaxGXL in supporting the health of the gastro-intestinal tract.

Dr. Davidson has been in healthcare for over 30 years. She began her healthcare career as a registered nurse, specializing in pediatric intensive care. For the last 25 years she has been a practicing physician, first board-certified in Emergency Medicine and now also board-certified in Holistic Medicine. During her 20 years as an emergency medicine physician, she spent 11 years working in, and running, a Level 1 Trauma Center. By the time she retired from emergency medicine in 2003 she had personally treated over 70,000 patients.

During her years in emergency medicine she held many teaching appointments including the Center for Disease Control (the CDC) in Atlanta, and adjunct professorships at Wichita State University and Oklahoma State University, as well as spending several years on the board of the American Heart Association.

In 1992, at the age of 41, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. She was a coauthor and subject of the book Breast Cancer? Let Me Check My Schedule! which was also a PBS special. She speaks to audiences across the country on various aspects of breast cancer.

In 1995 Dr. Davidson began looking into the scientific basis of nutritional supplementationand nutraceuticals. With 14 years of experience, she is now convinced that there are simple and very effective, natural ways to help address many health concerns. She lectures around the world on the subject of nutrition and simple, science-based strategies for maintaining or regaining health. Her straightforward, humorous and practical approach has made her an audience favorite.

Dr. Davidson has as an integrative medical practice in Bellevue, Washington utilizing her specialty of Holistic Medicine. The focus of this practice is on disease prevention, alternative or complimentary cancer management, natural alternatives to drugs, and safely combining prescription medications with nutritional supplements.

Click here to hear Dr. Davidson share this important message.

If you or a loved one wants to experience remarkable energy levels, deep sound sleep, greater mental focus MaxGXL might be your answer. Likewise, if you suffer from aches and pains with or without exercise you owe it to yourself to take a look at this incredible product and you can do just that by going to, check out Dr. Keller in his own words describing Glutathione and how his product works. Spend another minute and look over the home-based business opportunity that Max International offers. It will be a time well spent. If you have any questions or if you want to order a trial sample call Pat or Sheila at 615-876-7421.