Saturday, October 31, 2009

MaxGXL - Glutathione - Swine Flu

One of my new favorite magazines is Delicious Living Magazine. Delicious Living is a great source of information on health news, natural cooking, holistic beauty, natural parenting and total wellbeing in the 21st Century. The articles are well researched and the credentials of the people involved are top-notch. A recent article, an interview actually, by Radha Marcum in the August 20, 2009 issue, “Natural Swine Flu Prevention For Kids And Adults”, relates very much to the subject of this Blog, the human body’s need for intracellular glutathione. Ms. Marcum interviews Martha Howard, M.D. a holistic practitioner from Chicago. Find out more about her at

Ms. Marcum asked Dr. Howard “What natural preventative measure can parents take?”

Dr. Howard replied, “One thing you can take or give your kids is a natural substance that we have in our bodies called N-acetylcysteine.” She goes on to refer to a recent study in the August issue of American Family Practice in which elderly patients were given N-acetylcysteine twice per day throughout the normal flu season and they were “29% less likely to catch the flu. And when they got the flu it wasn’t as severe.”

She goes on to say, “Scientists aren’t sure exactly how N-acetylcysteine works, but it does encourage the body’s production of glutathione, which the liver uses for detoxification. Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant. Although you can get glutathione supplements, it seems as if it’s better to produce your own rather than take it in synthetic forms, which are difficult for the body to absorb and process.”

The main active ingredient of MaxGXL is N-acetylcysteine and which is best dietary source of glutathione. It is the main precursor for the body’s ability to manufacture natural glutathione. Clinical tests show that MaxGXL increases glutathione levels 300% within 60 days.

If you or a loved one wants to protect your family from this virulent flu bug rampaging across our country you owe it to yourself to take a look at this incredible product and you can do just that by going to, and listen to Dr. Keller in his own words describing Glutathione and how his product works. Spend another minute and look over the home-based business opportunity that Max International offers. It will be a time well spent. If you have any questions or if you want to order a trial sample call Pat or Sheila at 615-876-7421

Friday, October 30, 2009

The Liver Glutathione And MaxGXL

As your MaxGXL source in Nashville I could spend pages telling you great things about the MaxGXL product but today I think it more important for you to hear my good friend and business associate Daria Davidson, M.D. from Seattle, Washington, talk about The Liver, Glutahione and MaxGXL. Before I get to Dr. Davidson I’d like to share a story about a friend who takes MaxGXL. My friend is an internationally known rock 'n' roller who for years has had an enzyme of Hepititis C show up in his yearly liver scan. He called me the other day following his yearly physical and was excited to share that when his doctor received the results of his latest scan she thought the lab had sent the wrong results, but alas, the scan showed no sign of this “nasty little thing”, as the doctor referred to it. After taking MaxGXL for four months his liver was improving. Rock On!

To hear Dr. Davidson click on the following link and get out you pencil and pad because she is a wonderful well of information:

If you or a loved one wants to experience remarkable energy levels, deep sound sleep, greater mental focus MaxGXL might be your answer. Likewise, if you suffer from aches and pains with or without exercise you owe it to yourself to take a look at this incredible product and you can do just that by going to, or click on Dr. Keller and listen to him describe Glutathione and how his product works. Spend another minute and look over the home-based business opportunity that Max International offers. It will be a time well spent. If you have any questions or if you want to order a trial sample call Pat or Sheila at 615-876-7421

Thursday, October 29, 2009

How Does Glutathione Work?

In yesterday’s blog I talked about what Glutathione (GSH) was and today I thought I would take this opportunity to explain how it works and share with you some of the findings of a double blind, placebo controlled crossover study of MaxGXL.

How Does Glutathione Work?

Glutathione (GSH) works as an antioxidant, helping to prevent free radical damage to cells. It is also important for making DNA, proteins, and other substances in the body. It helps to metabolize toxins and carcinogens (cancer-causing compounds) and is important for immune function. The body can make its own glutathione in the liver, and some foods (fruits, vegetables, and meats) contain it. GSH, alone in the antioxident world, regenerates (recycles) directly and indirectly a variety of other antioxidants including vitamin C, alpha lipoic acid and vitamin E. More than six (6) percent of the total energy (ATP) production of the whole body may be used to synthesize and regulate intracellular glutathione levels. GSH is the only non-enzyme anitoxident that does not itself become a free radical after it has quenched a free radical. In fact, oxidized glutathione (GSSG) induces delta-wave sleep.

Taking glutathione orally is probably not effective for any use, as it is not absorbed well when taken by mouth. However, taking it intravenously (by IV) may be effective for some uses. When he began his research Dr. Robert Keller knew several important facts. As described above Glutathione was an essential element that the body needed to keep healthy. Glutathione production decreased with biologic age and that introducing glutathione to the body was problematical. As mentioned above, taking synthetic glutathione orally was ineffective. The glutathione was destroyed in the digestive system and any small amount that did enter the blood was still unable to find it’s way into the cells because the glutathione molecules are too large to pass through the cell membrane.

The Research Path

Recognizing that oral dosing was ineffective and the process of weekly IV’s was both expensive and particularly unattractive for most people, the approach Dr. Keller took was to ask himself how he could create a formula (not synthetic glutathione) that would stimulate or accelerate the body’s production it’s own natural glutathione. This was the research path that he took and after many years of trial and error he came up with the product MaxGXL.

Clinical Tests

Clinical tests showed that after 60 days MaxGXL users experienced an average increase in intercellular glutathione levels of 292%. They also showed an average increase in their body’s DHEA of 46% and IGF-1 of 40.8%. DHEA and IGF-1 are markers related to levels of human growth hormone, which is the indicator of true biological age. These markers naturally decrease with age. And last, but certainly not least, MaxGXL users experienced a 37% increase in TNF, the Tumor Necrosis Factor alpha one of the three most significant markers of cellular inflammation.

There you have it. By increasing your glutathione levels you can live healthier, happier and longer. If you want to take this path to health you have several options, synthetic glutathione which won't help, synthetic glutathione given IV several times per week, certain natural foods can help or you can try MaxGXL, an easy to take compound that stimulates the body to increase production of natural Glutathione.

If you or a loved one wants to experience remarkable energy levels, deep sound sleep, greater mental focus Max GXL might be your answer. Likewise, if you suffer from aches and pains with or without exercise, you owe it to yourself to take a look at this incredible product and you can do just that by going to, clicking on products and then Creators and check out Dr. Keller in his own words describing Glutathione and how his product works. Spend another minute and look over the home-based business opportunity that Max International offers. It will be a time well spent. If you have any questions or if you want to order a trial sample call Pat or Sheila at 615-876-7421.

LOOK - FEEL - LIVE to the Max!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

What is Glutathione Anyway?

Simply put, glutathione (GSH) is the body's master antioxidant.

It is a small protein produced naturally in our cells when certain required elements are present. It functions both as an antioxidant and an antitoxin and is a major defense system against illness and aging. Our glutathione level actually indicates our state of health and can predict longevity. There are more than 60,000 published papers on the beneficial effects of glutathione. In the near future the importance of glutathione will be widely recognized because it has the ability to boost the immune system and fight off the damage of free radicals on the cells. Various daily activities can reduce your glutathione such as stress, exercise, infection, injury and environmental toxins. Your glutathione, or in other words, your body's natural defense against aging and cellular damage decreases by about 10% to 15% every decade!

Modern research has shown that individuals who have low levels of glutathione are susceptible to chronic illness. Decreased levels of glutathione can be brought about by continual stress upon the immune system. As we now know, a lowered immune system can bring about illness and disease. This is a ferocious cycle. While you need glutathione for a productive immune system, a weakened immune system hampers the production of glutathione.

Increasing age and other factors reduce the body's production and utilization of glutathione

Beginning around the age of 20 your body's natural production of this powerful little protein declines about 10 to 15 percent every decade. It is well understood in the medical and scientific community that intracellular glutathione levels cannot effectively be raised by oral glutathione supplementation because it is believed to be destroyed in the digestive system; which is why MaxGXL® is such a groundbreaking discovery.

These are some of the promises of glutathione:

* Glutathione slows down the aging process

* Glutathione detoxifies and improves liver function

* Glutathione strengthens the immune system

* Glutathione works to help improve mental functions

* Increases energy

* Improves concentration

* Permits increased exercise

* Glutathione improves heart and lung function.

My wife, Sheila and I are in our sixties and both had the usual aches and pains from a life of hard work. Sheila was a Chef and restaurant owner for many years and I had a national litigation law practice, which included lot’s of travel, stress, and long hours sitting at counsel table during trials and preparation work. During this time I also developed a deeply rooted sense of skepticism about all things that sound to good to be true. When a friend told me about the promises of MaxGXL I immediately thought to myself, “sure, I’ll bet”. But, because this person was a good friend and someone who I had the utmost trust in, I tried it and within days I began to experience all of the benefits this product has to offer and I was sold.

If you or a loved one wants to experience remarkable energy levels, deep sound sleep, greater mental focus Max GXL might be your answer. Likewise, if you suffer from aches and pains with or without exercise you owe it to yourself to take a look at this incredible product and you can do just that by going to, clicking on products, then Creators and check out Dr. Keller in his own words describing Glutathione, MaxGXL and how his product works. Spend another minute and look over the home-based business opportunity that Max International offers. It will be a time well spent. If you have any questions or if you want to order a trial sample call Pat or Sheila your Nashville source for MaxGXL at 615-876-7421

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

What is Leptin and Why is it Important?

Leptin is a naturally occurring hormone that is secreted by fat cells. Its primary function is to regulate appetite and metabolism. Leptin is your best friend as long as its level is kept low and stable. If Leptin levels become chronically too high, the body becomes "Leptin resistant."

Resistance to Leptin is the major cause of storing unwanted body fat, and experiencing insatiable craving patterns.

Scientists thought they could just give Leptin to overweight people and magically they would lose weight. But it doesn't work that way. Overweight people have TOO MUCH Leptin which clamors so 'loudly' in sending these important messages that the body quits listening. This is called "Leptin resistance." Imagine always being hungry and always storing fat, never burning it. That is what Leptin resistance causes.

Max WLX™

Max WLX™ is designed to work with your body rather than at the expense of your body, retraining the Leptin signals. It will help retrain your body to burn stored fat and regulate hunger sensations. Max International believes the benefits of weight loss should be enjoyed for the rest of your life.

To be sure that Max WLX™ is the finest product available, Max International partnered with Ron Rosedale, MD who is the most sought-after authority on the function of leptin and weight loss. Dr. Rosedale has never endorsed a third party before, but was pleased at Max International's commitment to quality.

In summary, Max WLX™ is an industry-first program designed to work naturally with your body for long term, healthy weight loss

Achieve your weight loss goals with Max WLX™. There are no stimulants or harmful ingredients. This is weight loss that is safe and effective!

The Max Weight Loss Accelerator System - MaxWLX

As your Nashville source for Max International’s flagship product MaxGXL, I’m pleased to tell you about a new product that targets obesity and it’s negative impact on health. Our new product the Max Weight Loss Accelerator System, known as MaxWLX goes straight to the problem by restoring the body’s sensitivity to Leptin. Research shows that Leptin, a naturally occurring hormone is manufactured by every fat cell in the body. In the natural way of things, Leptin is the hormone that sends the “ I’m full” message to the brain, and it regulates fat by sending a message to the brain to either burn fat or to store it.

In a commitment to participate and focus on healthy, long-term weight loss, the company has teamed up with Ron Rosedale, M.D. in creating this weight lose system. Dr. Rosedale is a world-renown expert in nutritional and metabolic medicine and a specialist in the biology of aging. Without the right balance of Leptin, Dr. Rosedale says, weight gain can get out of control. By restoring Leptin sensitivity, the body can revitalize it’s ability to consume less food and burn fat. The Max Weight Loss Accelerator System is designed to optimize Leptin sensitivity, resulting in effective, long-term weight loss and vitality.

The Max Weight Loss Accelerator System allows the body to perform it’s own miracle of burning stored body fat and regulating appetite and eating cycles. Restoration of Leptin sensitivity within two or three weeks, at which time the fat begins to melt away. This system is the key to not only burning unwanted body fat, but to keep it off as well.

My wife and I are here to tell you that this product works. We have tried all sorts of diets and gimics to lose weight and they all worked - for a while and they stopped. Both of us have been taking MaxWLX since July and she has lost 29 lbs and I have dropped 23 lbs during that period. But don't take my word for it, go to and click on products and read about Leptin and how WLX works. I would also check into Dr. Rosedale by Googling "Ron Rosedale M.D. and learn about this highly respected medical researcher. If you have any questions or if you would like to try this wonderful product you can call Sheila or I at 615-876-7421. You can go directly to our web page and order it your self.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Autism and Glutathione

If you are the parent or family member of a child with autism I'm sure that you have spent many an hour studying every treatment available that might help your child. Below find some websites you might want to review. The contents of these sites address Glutathione (GSH) as a supplement that might well address many of the more negative symptoms of this condition. In each of these you will see that the parents administered Glutathione (GSH) either by IV and or orally. This creates obvious problems. Who wants to put their child through regular IV therapy, which, I’m told, has to continue at least on a weekly basis? The oral method is equally ineffective in that the Glutathione taken orally is mostly destroyed in the digestive system and the Glutathione molecules that make it into the blood stream are too large to pass through the cell walls. These are the problems Robert H. Keller, MD, MS, FACP was trying to overcome when he began his research on what eventually became known as MaxGXL. Dr. Keller has served on the scientific review panels for the National Institutes of Health and the VA. The Consumers' Research Council has named him one of America's "Top Physicians in 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, and 2007 in the fields of Internal Medicine, Immunology and Hematology." Dr. Keller has served on the faculties of the Mayo Graduate School of Medicine, the University of Wisconsin and the Medical College of Wisconsin (Marquette Univ.) He has published more than 100 original articles in various scientific and medical journals and has been awarded several patents. Dr. Keller was elected to The Board of Governors of the American Academy of HIV Medicine. Check out Dr. Keller’s Vitae and hear him explain his research process and the product which became MaxGXL by clicking on, "Dr. Keller". The result of his research is MaxGXL, which is not Glutathione but rather an easy to take capsule, the contents of which, help your body produce it’s own natural, not synthetic, GSH. The MaxGXL product is referred to as a Glutathione accelerator. At the first site below the writer mentions several tests that your MD can order to the determine GSH levels. This looks like a good place to start for adults, as adults our Glutathione levels are FALLING by about 10% to 15% per decade. Reduced Glutathione levels result in accelerated aging, low energy, higher inflammation, and a greater vulnerability to cell damage and disease. If a child's GSH levels are low that would certainly be a telling marker and an important place to begin your search for the appropriate supplement. Autism and Glutathione Google Dr. Jill James, Professor of Pediatrics at University of Arkansas University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas If you or a loved one wants to experience remarkable energy levels, deep sound sleep, greater mental focus Max GXL might be your answer. Likewise, if you suffer from aches and pains with or without exercise you owe it to yourself to take a look at this incredible product and you can do just that by going to, clicking on products and check out Dr. Keller in his own words describing Glutathione and how his product works. Spend another minute and look over the home-based business opportunity that Max International offers. It will be a time well spent. If you have any questions or if you want to order a trial sample call Pat or Sheila at 615-876-7421

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Our Goal - A Productive Immune System

As your Nashville source for MaxGXL I thought I might share some information about one of the body's most important elements, Glutathione. What is Glutathione Anyway? Simply put, glutathione (GSH) is the body's master antioxidant.

It is a small protein produced naturally in our cells when certain required elements are present. It functions both as an antioxidant and an antitoxin and is a major defense system against illness and aging. Our glutathione level actually indicates our state of health and can predict longevity. There are more than 60,000 published papers on the beneficial effects of glutathione. In the near future the importance of glutathione will be widely recognized because it has the ability to boost the immune system and fight off the damage of free radicals on the cells. Various daily activities can reduce your glutathione such as stress, exercise, infection, injury and environmental toxins.

Modern research has shown that individuals who have low levels of glutathione are susceptible to chronic illness. Decreased levels of glutathione can be brought about by continual stress upon the immune system. As we now know, a lowered immune system can bring about illness and disease. This is a ferocious cycle. While you need glutathione for a productive immune system, a weakened immune system hampers the production of glutathione.

Increasing age and other factors reduce the body's production and utilization of glutathione.

Beginning around the age of 20 your body's natural production of this powerful little protein declines about 10 to 15 percent every decade.

In bullet points here's the deal:

* Glutathione slows down the aging process

* Glutathione detoxifies and improves liver function

* Glutathione strengthens the immune system

* Glutathione works to help improve mental functions

* Glutathione increases energy

* Glutathione improves concentration

* Glutathione permits increased exercise

* Glutathione improves heart and lung function

It is well understood in the medical and scientific community that intracellular glutathione levels cannot effectively be raised by oral glutathione supplementation because it is believed to be destroyed in the digestive system; which is why MaxGXL® is such a groundbreaking discovery. You owe it to yourself to check out this wonderful product which will help your body accelerate the production of intracellular Glutathione, and you can do just that by going to , clicking on products and check out Dr. Keller in his own words describing Glutathione and how his product works. Spend another minute and look over the home-based business opportunity that Max International offers. It will be a time well spent. If you have any questions or if you want to order a trial sample call Pat or Sheila at 615-876-7421

Friday, October 23, 2009

Max International Overview

Thank you for letting me briefly introduce you to Max International, our MaxGXL product is:

  1. Vital to human health, so the market for it is unlimited worldwide,
  2. Proven by clinical studies and real time blood tests to work 100% of the time in 100% of the people who use it, within 30 minutes of it’s use,
  3. Protected from competition by patents on its molecular structure – it cannot be copied.
  4. Given the Consumer Labs seal of approval – contains no sports related banned substances
  5. Owned & operated by billionaire businessmen with impeccable 30 year reputations
    1. Owners of the top 2 infomercial companies in the world
    2. Will air infomercials on this product soon to help their partner’s local sales
  6. Clinically proven to affect your body in the following ways, supported by over 85,000 research articles on (a service of The National Library of Medicine and The National Institutes of Health):
    1. Increases Energy
    2. Increases deep Sleep
    3. Decreases Inflammation – the cause of most pain and disease
    4. Increases the Master Antioxidant in your body by almost 300% in 60 days

i. Antioxidants in fruits, vegetables & their juices all serve this Master

ii. Stops every known free radical at molecule ratio of 1 to 1,000,000

1. other antioxidants ratios are less than 1 to 10

e. Slows down the Aging process

f. Improves Mental functions

g. Improves Concentration and Clarity

h. Improves Heart and Lung function

i. Detoxifies and improves Liver function

i. Detoxifies the body of Heavy Metals

j. Strengthens the Immune System

k. Reduces the chances of developing Cancer

l. Permits increased Exercise

Knowing this, would you be interested in learning how to become a partner with this company and how to gain the right to introduce the product to your city and anywhere else in the world the company operates?

If you answered “yes” please answer these next few questions:

  1. Would you be willing to invest an hour within the next 2 days to perform the necessary due diligence on all I’ve told you to assure yourself that it‘s true?
  2. Would you be willing to follow a proven system for success in partnering with Max Int.?
  3. Would you be willing to invest about $49?

If you or a loved one wants to experience remarkable energy levels, deep sound sleep, greater mental focus MaxGXL might be your answer. Likewise, if you suffer from aches and pains with or without exercise you owe it to yourself to take a look at this incredible product and you can do just that by going to , clicking on products and check out Dr. Keller in his own words describing Glutathione and how his product works. Spend another minute and look over the home-based business opportunity that Max International offers. It will be a time well spent. If you have any questions or if you want to order a trial sample call Pat or Sheila at 615-876-7421

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

MaxGXL Sport - Hear The Great News From The Professionals

Recorded Max Sports Talk

from Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Bruce Mathison, a former NFL quarterback and now a Max Associate, interviews:

  • Larry Hoff: extreme athlete and coach
  • Pat Curcio: Utah Grizzlies Hockey Coach and former pro hockey player
  • Brian " the beast" Minto : heavy weight boxer
  • Jim Warren : personal trainer "Sports Performance Technologies"
  • Bob Kaelin: Max Vice President of Sales

Do NOT miss this call! It is invaluable information and attests to the results of the MaxGXL product. Share this with your Team and prospective Business Partners.

Listen Here

As your Nashville source for MaxGXL in strongly encourage you to tune in to this discussion with professional athletes about the MaxGXL promise of increased performance with no banned substances. If you are an athlete or just a committed workout person you owe it to yourself to learn about MaxGXL.

If you or a loved one wants to experience remarkable energy levels, deep sound sleep, greater mental focus Max GXL might be your answer. Likewise, if you suffer from aches and pains with or without exercise you owe it to yourself to take a look at this incredible product and you can do just that by going to, clicking on products and check out Dr. Keller in his own words describing Glutathione and how his product works. Spend another minute and look over the home-based business opportunity that Max International offers. It will be a time well spent. If you have any questions or if you want to order a trial sample call Pat or Sheila at 615-876-7421

Monday, October 19, 2009

Team Support Is The Key To Success at Max International

One of the many great aspects of being a partner in Max International, and your Nashville source for MaxGXL, aside from the incredible products and the best compensation plan in the industry is the corporate leadership and support. The following is a list of telephone conference calls to help the independent distributors of Max products, MaxGXL, MaxWLX and Max N-Fuze get the message to a public that is searching for the answers that we have to give them. If you are thinking about taking one of these products or if you are thinking of joining us on this wonderful odyssey of health and wealth, take a minute and dial us up and join in and learn about us.

Wake Up With Dan

With Dan Kinnison

Monday Through Friday

712-338-8177 Pin Code 7327387#

10:00 AM East 9:00 AM Central

Why Max?


Ken Dunn, Eric Rondeau & Suzy Hayden

Monday Through Friday

712-338-8177 Pin Code 7327387#

4:00 PM East 3:00 PM

Monday Night

Team Call

Hosted By Tammy Sellars Gingras

712-338-8177 Pin Code 7327387#

9:30 PM East 8:30 PM

Tuesday Night

Max Sports Talk

With NFL Quarter Back Bruce Mathison

712-338-8177 Pin Code 7327387#

9:30 PM East 8:30 PM Central

Tuesday Night

Max Business Overview:

712-432-9606 Pin Code 21023#

10:00 PM East 9:00 PM Central.

Tuesday Night:

Max Women In Action Call

Listen To Top Max Women Leaders

Special Guest This Week

Lisa Jimenez M.ED

Best Selling Author Of "Conquer Fear"

712-338-8105 Pin Code 994473#

10:00 PM East 9:00 PM Central.

Wednesday Night:

Rx For Max Succes With Dr. Daria

712-432-1001 Pin Code 432811843#

9:30 PM East 8:30 PM Central

E-mail Questions For The Call To


"Basic" Training Call:

With Diamond Mickey Burns!

712-338-8177 Pin Code 7327387#

11:00 AM East 10 AM Central


Product & Leaders Call:

712-432-9605 Pin Code 52117#

12:00 PM East 11:00 AM Central

If you or a loved one wants to experience remarkable energy levels, deep sound sleep, greater mental focus Max GXL might be your answer. Likewise, if you suffer from aches and pains with or without exercise you owe it to yourself to take a look at this incredible product and you can do just that by going to, clicking on products and check out Dr. Keller in his own words describing Glutathione and how his product works. Spend another minute and look over the the home-based business opportunity that Max International offers. It will be a time well spent. If you have any questions or if you want to order a trial sample call Pat or Sheila at 615-876-7421

Sunday, October 18, 2009

MaxGXL Sport - Never A Banned Substance

As your Nashville source of MaxGXL I'm thrilled to introduce you all to our newest product MaxGXL Sport. If you are a professional or amateur athlete and concerned about taking nutritional substances that might contain banned substances your worries are over. As an NSF Certified for Sport™ product, MaxGXL® Sport delivers everything you love about original MaxGXL, and more. It’s a glutathione-enhancing product that everyone can enjoy and high-level athletes can trust without question.

MaxGXL Sport gives you:

The same ingredients and same glutathione-boosting benefits as MaxGXL

Iron-clad assurance that it is free of any and all materials found on the banned substances list, as certified by the NSF. Product is tested for 130 banned metabolites.

The same certification used by Major League Baseball, the NFL, PGA, among others.

Compliance with the prohibitive substance lists from WADA, NCAA, and more.

180 vegetable capsules in a convenient bottle

To learn more about NSF Certified for Sport, go to

All this and it’s still just $69 wholesale ($85 retail)! While anyone can experience great benefits from MaxGXL Sport, it gives high-level and even professional athletes peace-of-mind that they can safely enjoy our breakthrough product.

Originally released at the Elevate 2009 Convention, demand for MaxGXL Sport was so high that we completely sold out of our initial supply. MaxGXL Sport is now back in stock. To order yours, go to or call Pat or Sheila @ 615-876-7421.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Robert Keller, M.D. - Medical Research Visonary

As your Nashville source for MaxGXL a Glutathione accelerator, we are happy to introduce you to Dr. Robert Keller the creator of this incredible product. Robert Keller M.D., M.S., FACP, creator of Max International’s flagship product, MaxGXL, is no ordinary doctor. Named one of the world’s 2000 Outstanding Scientists of the 21st Century, he has served on the scientific review panels for the National Institutes of Health and the VA. The Consumer’s Research Council has recognized Dr. Keller as one of America’s “Top Physicians” every year 2003 to the present. He has been elected to the Board of Governors of the American Academy of HIV Medicine, and serves on the Scientific Advisory Boards of numerous biotech and nutritional companies.

My wife, Sheila and I are in our sixties and both had the usual aches and pains from a life of hard work. Sheila was a Chef and restaurant owner for many years and I had a national litigation law practice, which included lot’s of travel, stress, and long hours sitting at counsel table during trials and preparation work. During this time I also developed a deeply rooted sense of skepticism about all things that sound to good to be true. When a friend told me about the promises of MaxGXL I immediately thought to myself, “sure, I’ll bet”. But, because this person was a good friend and someone who I had the utmost trust in, I tried it and within days I began to experience all of the benefits this product has to offer and I was sold.

If you or a loved one wants to experience remarkable energy levels, deep sound sleep, greater mental focus MaxGXL might be your answer. Likewise, if you suffer from aches and pains with or without exercise you owe it to yourself to take a look at this incredible product and you can do just that by going to, clicking on products and check out Dr. Keller in his own words describing Glutathione and how his product works. Spend another minute and look over the home-based business opportunity that Max International offers. It will be a time well spent. If you have any questions or if you want to order a trial sample call Pat or Sheila at 615-876-7421

Friday, October 16, 2009

Nashvillians-Learn More About MaxGXL

As your Nashville source for the incredible, all natural supplement MaxGXL, I can't wait to share the information about this product that has changed my life and the lives of many Nashvillians.

Glutathione has been clinically proven to affect your body in the following ways, (supported by over 85,000 research articles on , a service of The National Library of Medicine and The National Institute of Health):

a. Increases Energy

b. Increases deep REM Sleep

c. Decreases Inflammation – the cause of most pain and illness

d. Detoxifies the body of heavy metals & all known free radicals

e. Glutathione is the body's master natural antioxidant

f. Stops every known free radical at a molecule ratio of 1 to 100,000+ over 100,000 molecules neutralized by one GSH molecule other antioxidants ratios are less than 1 to 10

g. Improves Heart and Lung function

h. Detoxifies and improves Liver and Kidney function

i. Strengthens the Immune System

j. Slows down the Aging process

k. Permits increased Exercise and faster recovery from strenuous workouts

l. Improves Concentration and mental clarity

If you want to find out more about this scientifically proven and patented product, and you owe it to yourself to at least check it out, go to and check it out. If you have more question call Pat or Sheila at 615-876-7421. If you want to try the product you can purchase it wholesale at the same web address. LOOK - FEEL - LIVE life to the Max!

Check out the information below and listen in on a conference call Saturday morning and get a feel for the great people and a great company, as well as a great home based business opportunity.

This Week’s Guests: Dr. John Kindle and Mike Lebrun, Double Diamond Associate

When: Saturday, Oct. 17, 10:00 a.m. MDT

To participate: Dial 712-432-9605 and use the PIN 52117 #.

More about this week’s participants

Dr. Kindle has completed 35 years of family practice in Ottawa, Canada. In the 1990’s he was the chief of Palliative Care for over 5 years at the Riverside Hospital in Ottawa where he was first introduced to alternative treatments by his patients. Dr. Kindle will discuss why nutrition is so important to a healthy lifestyle and will explain why he recommends MaxGXL® to his patients. He will be interviewed by Bob Kaelin, Vice President of Marketing.

Mike Lebrun will discuss how to get the most out of every Max event.

The call is hosted by Eric Rondeau.

Upcoming Meetings

"Maximizing What Matters Most" Seminars

Oct. 24: Phoenix, Arizona (details in sidebar)

Dec. 19: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

NOTE: The Dallas seminar has been postponed.

Seattle Super Saturday

Oct. 17, Bellevue

Sheraton Hotel Conference Center

100 112th Avenue NE

9 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Host: John Fox

Speakers: Dr. Daria Davidson, Ken Dunn, Craig Melton

Cost: $10 Single/$15 Couple; Guests Free

Philippines Showcase

Nov. 6-7, Pasay City

SMX Convention Center

Road to Diamond

Nov. 12-14, Utah

Thursday, October 15, 2009

MaxGXL - Get Healthy-Get Wealthy the MAX way and look-- feel - live to the Max

If you would like to find out more about the MaxGXL product and the business opportunity it makes available to you check out and find out all you can. You can call Sheila and I in Nashville at 615-876-7421 if you have any questions. We are your Nashville MaxGXL source. Get Healthy-Get Wealthy the MAX way and look-- feel - live to the Max.

Also check out this team meeting telephone conference tonight and meet some of the wonderful Nashville people on our team.

Hi Max Global Team!

We will be having our weekly Team call this Thursday

at 7pm central at the following number:

719-313-5790 passcode 726804#

We will be going over the attached outline, focusing on The Plan, so please study that and be ready with any questions. And also be sure to figure out where you are in the TEAM list in the first section of the outline. The most needed Team members right now are the administrative types – organize, keep schedules and emails current.

My goal with this call is to get a an idea of what you all want to accomplish with your businesses – what are you willing/wanting to do to get there, and when do you want to start.

So look through the plan and be ready with what you feel your desires are with it – be that calls, home meetings, whatever. Once we know what our Team members want we can go about helping each other do it.

There is a Road To Hawaii call with our Sr Partner Forest Townsley and me immediately after this call on the same numbers, so you can stay on or call back in. This call focuses on what Max GT members are doing to get their points for the Hawaii trip in May – worth being on it if you can.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Nashville Athletes Improve Recovery Time and Performance

If you are a Nashville athlete or if you work out on a regular basis you know that recovery time from physical activity is important to your well being. If you want to learn more about why and how MAX GXL can help you reduce your recovery time and make you better at whatever you do check out this conference call Tonight.

Rx for Max Success!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Dr. Daria Davidson

Tonight's call subject:

Understanding Why MaxGXL Improves

Athletic Performance and Recovery.

Dr. Daria Davidson, is a member of the Max Doctors Advisory Council. She will be doing this 30 minute call every Wednesday at:

9:30pm Eastern (6:30pm PST, 7:30pm MST, 8:30pm CST)

The conference call number for the call is:

712-432-1001 & the pin number is: 432811843#

Call in early to the call. 3-way your Team

Members into the call, if they can't get onto the call.

This call is sure to fill up....

"Maximizing What Matters Most" Seminar

Oct. 13, 2009
Register now for Phoenix "Maximizing What Matters Most" Seminar
Roughly 175 Associates and Guests took part in the first "Maximizing What Matters Most" seminar in the Detroit area last weekend. The Phoenix area is the site of the next seminar on Saturday, Oct. 24th, and registration for this event is now open.
Greg Fullerton, Max International Co-Founder; Craig Case, Executive Vice President, Field Development and Strategy; and Mark Brown, Vice President, Sales, have many years' experience in leading time management seminars around the world, and bring an incomparable passion and understanding for this subject. Learn first-hand from them how you can identify what you value most in life, how to set goals to achieve them, and how Max is the perfect vehicle to do it.
The cost is $15 when you register online, or $25 at the door. Schedule Max Opportunity Meeting 9 a.m. – 10 a.m. "Maximizing What Matters Most" Seminar 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. Location The Buttes Resort 2000 Westcourt Way Tempe, AZ 85282