If you would like to find out more about the MaxGXL product and the business opportunity it makes available to you check out www.maxgxlnashville.com and find out all you can. You can call Sheila and I in Nashville at 615-876-7421 if you have any questions. We are your Nashville MaxGXL source. Get Healthy-Get Wealthy the MAX way and look-- feel - live to the Max.
Also check out this team meeting telephone conference tonight and meet some of the wonderful Nashville people on our team.
Hi Max Global Team!
We will be having our weekly Team call this Thursday
at 7pm central at the following number:
719-313-5790 passcode 726804#
We will be going over the attached outline, focusing on The Plan, so please study that and be ready with any questions. And also be sure to figure out where you are in the TEAM list in the first section of the outline. The most needed Team members right now are the administrative types – organize, keep schedules and emails current.
My goal with this call is to get a an idea of what you all want to accomplish with your businesses – what are you willing/wanting to do to get there, and when do you want to start.
So look through the plan and be ready with what you feel your desires are with it – be that calls, home meetings, whatever. Once we know what our Team members want we can go about helping each other do it.
There is a Road To Hawaii call with our Sr Partner Forest Townsley and me immediately after this call on the same numbers, so you can stay on or call back in. This call focuses on what Max GT members are doing to get their points for the Hawaii trip in May – worth being on it if you can.
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