As your Nashville source for MaxGXL I thought I might share some information about one of the body's most important elements, Glutathione. What is Glutathione Anyway? Simply put, glutathione (GSH) is the body's master antioxidant.
It is a small protein produced naturally in our cells when certain required elements are present. It functions both as an antioxidant and an antitoxin and is a major defense system against illness and aging. Our glutathione level actually indicates our state of health and can predict longevity. There are more than 60,000 published papers on the beneficial effects of glutathione. In the near future the importance of glutathione will be widely recognized because it has the ability to boost the immune system and fight off the damage of free radicals on the cells. Various daily activities can reduce your glutathione such as stress, exercise, infection, injury and environmental toxins.
Modern research has shown that individuals who have low levels of glutathione are susceptible to chronic illness. Decreased levels of glutathione can be brought about by continual stress upon the immune system. As we now know, a lowered immune system can bring about illness and disease. This is a ferocious cycle. While you need glutathione for a productive immune system, a weakened immune system hampers the production of glutathione.
Increasing age and other factors reduce the body's production and utilization of glutathione.
Beginning around the age of 20 your body's natural production of this powerful little protein declines about 10 to 15 percent every decade.
In bullet points here's the deal:
* Glutathione slows down the aging process
* Glutathione detoxifies and improves liver function
* Glutathione strengthens the immune system
* Glutathione works to help improve mental functions
* Glutathione increases energy
* Glutathione improves concentration
* Glutathione permits increased exercise
* Glutathione improves heart and lung function
It is well understood in the medical and scientific community that intracellular glutathione levels cannot effectively be raised by oral glutathione supplementation because it is believed to be destroyed in the digestive system; which is why MaxGXL® is such a groundbreaking discovery. You owe it to yourself to check out this wonderful product which will help your body accelerate the production of intracellular Glutathione, and you can do just that by going to , clicking on products and check out Dr. Keller in his own words describing Glutathione and how his product works. Spend another minute and look over the home-based business opportunity that Max International offers. It will be a time well spent. If you have any questions or if you want to order a trial sample call Pat or Sheila at 615-876-7421
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